Domino Project and AZ Writers’ Event

Tyler HurstBlog10 Comments

I’ve been to a lot of ‘camps, ‘cons and workshops. There are tons of people who are willing to share their tech, business and social media knowledge here in AZ, and I thank them for that. While I’ve been involved in many of these events, I don’t usually learn as much as I could have. Maybe the topics aren’t all … Read More

Tyler HurstDomino Project and AZ Writers’ Event

The Domino Project

Tyler HurstValley PR Blog1 Comment

I’m a Seth Godin fan. Have been ever since I read (listened to) Tribes while training for my first half marathon at the end of 2008. While I don’t always agree with his blog posts, his books have always made me think. And now I’m kinda working for him. Not for pay or really anything besides free books, but rather … Read More

Tyler HurstThe Domino Project

Is there a book in everyone?

Tyler HurstBlog4 Comments

I’ve always wanted to write and publish a book. That probably comes as no surprise to you. After all, I am a writer. People actually pay me to arrange letters and words in a pleasing manner. It’s work I enjoy and that I think I am destined to do. Most people probably aren’t like me. They didn’t take journalism in … Read More

Tyler HurstIs there a book in everyone?

The Domino Project

Tyler HurstStories16 Comments

I’m a big fan of Seth Godin’s books. I love his style of writing, connect with many of his points and feel like I’ve gained something every time I read my favorites. Whew. I had a hard time admitting that. You see, one point that has really stood out for me from any Godin piece is the idea that we … Read More

Tyler HurstThe Domino Project

The Domino Project

Tyler HurstStories2 Comments

I have no idea what the Domino Project entails, what I’ll get from it or what kind of time commitment I’ll be asked to make. But I want to do it anyway. Opportunities to be a curator for insightful, relevant content (that’s what I think it is) along with the ability to help share ideas that make things better don’t … Read More

Tyler HurstThe Domino Project