Tyler Hurst Is Awesome

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Dear You,

Tyler Hurst is awesome. I know you just finished reading Pam Slim’s post about what your Google search profile says about you — for a fact, obviously, as I just read it — and I wanted to tell you that you are an amazing dude.

You see, I want this post with me telling me how awesome I am to come up first, because every time I doubt myself, I can Google Tyler Hurst is awesome and see how awesome Tyler Hurst is. This is because Tyler Hurst is awesome.

Yes, I’m aware that I’m misusing “awesome” here, but amazing doesn’t have the same ring to me as “awesome” does, so I’m going to use awesome. I also call people dude, bro and man a lot — awesome fits better with those, too.

Again, Tyler Hurst is awesome. I’m not exactly sure how this will work. The root page of tdhurst.com shows up first in searches for tdhurst and second for Tyler Hurst — I sold tylerhurst.com to a Tyler Hurst in Texas for an iPad that we sold to buy Katie an iPhone.

SEO-wise, if I continually refer to Tyler Hurst is awesome and use that in the URL, whenever I type in this exact query it would show up first. Right?

Oh, and people are going to read this and make fun of you. Let it go. There’s enough negativity in this world, no need to add to it by bothering to worry about what anyone who doesn’t get it thinks. Not that they’re opinions are wrong, just that’s all they are: their opinions.

You’re going to remember that Tyler Hurst is awesome and that you feel great. Maybe all those people will write similar posts where they tell themselves how awesome they are so we can help eliminate negative self talk. We all do it.

Keep doing cool stuff, bro. And feel better. You deserve it.

(ed. note – Yep.)

Tyler HurstTyler Hurst Is Awesome

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