The announcement of and the invite to Google’s latest attempt at social networking brought with it hopes of an internet utopia: users sharing specific, relevant content to groups divided either by relationship to or shared interest. Finally, I could share tech news with those I consider business associates, pet pics with my family and x-rated comments and images with my … Read More
My HARO experience
When I watched the nightly news as a kid, I always wondered how news stations picked people to interview. Was it random? Was there an application process? Thankfully, a few years in journalism showed me it was connected people that always seemed to get sourced. Guys like Richard Laermer do it all the time. So much in fact, he wrote … Read More
Escape from Cubicle Nation
Cover via Amazon Yes, I received a copy of this book for free. Yes, I left it in NYC and then purchased the audiobook and listened to it. Once. But I never wrote anything about it. I never followed Pam Slim‘s rules, I never bothered to make a plan and I didn’t think to take responsibility for my own business … Read More
Gangplank: an idea, not a building
Communities require a sense of place. Communities require good people. Communities require a certain kind of attitude. Combine that with businesses that have something to sell and you have something special. Gangplank is the embodiment of everything above. It’s inclusive, it’s useful and it’s spreading. If you don’t get it, stop thinking of it as a building, think of it … Read More