Proud to know Mark Dudlik

Tyler HurstReview7 Comments

Mark Dudlik is a bit of an enigma. He either hates people or is scared of them, and seldom ventures outside of his work-to-home-and-back routine. In fact, most people who Dudlik counts as friends hardly ever see him.

Whether he suffers from some sort of disorder or just doesn’t like anyone is irrelevant. He managed to put most of that aside for Phoenix Design Week. He’s a driving force behind both Fractal and Dojo Collective. And he’s damn funny.

His presentation tomorrow night at Ignite Phoenix @ ASU is a fantastic example of what is possible when you want it bad enough. It very well might be his first time on stage. He’ll probably be under the influence of something, but we all have to get by.

Dudlik managed to do something amazing. He managed to overcome a personal handicap (no, he’s not retarded) in order to do what he wanted. It’s something I couldn’t do and I’m proud of him for it.

So go tomorrow night and watch this guy. Listen to what he has to say. Give him your ear and give him your support.

Because, in the end, Dudlik is better at what he does than most of you are at what you do. You just don’t know it yet.

Tyler HurstProud to know Mark Dudlik

7 Comments on “Proud to know Mark Dudlik”

  1. Pingback: uberVU - social comments

  2. Chelsea Hamilton

    Very well said. Mark is a great guy doing great things to the Phoenix community. Absolutely proud to know him and happy to support in any way possible. I wish you the very best of luck at IgniteASU tonight Mark, though you hardly need it!

  3. Pingback: Traveling via iPhone and Social Media « Mikerdzign's Blog

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